Our team

Vincent REMY



Experts in China Experts in Europe Partner


Patent Partner, Co-founder of LLR and Director of LLR Ltd. HK


Paris, Beijing, Hong Kong


French, English, Spanish

  • Entered the profession in 1991
  • Civil engineer from Ecole des Mines de Nancy
  • MSc Intellectual Property Law (Strasbourg University)
  • Graduate from the CEIPI (patents, trademarks, designs and models)
  • French Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney
  • European Patent Attorney (EPO)
  • European Trademark and Design Attorney (EUIPO)
  • European Patent Litigator (UPC)


Vincent REMY is co-founder of LLR. After working as analyst engineer for Compagnie Générale d'Informatique (which was merged with IBM Global Services), he joined a large French industrial property firm in 1991, before founding LLR in 2000.

Vincent REMY provides consultancy services to major French industrial companies, SMEs and start-ups concerning their industrial property protection strategies, in particular in the plastics, healthcare and IT sectors. For these customers, he provides legal advice, drafts contracts, performs the technical analysis of inventions, drafts patent applications, defends them before the industrial property offices until a patent has been granted, and before the courts against counterfeiters.

Residing in Asia since 2018, Vincent REMY is heavily involved in the development of LLR Ltd in Hong Kong and LLR's representative office in Beijing. He contributes to defining the strategy and deploying the protection of European groups in China. Vincent REMY is also a senior consultant for Easytimes IP for intellectual property matters in Europe.

Vincent REMY has dedicated much of his time to young professionals, raising their awareness and providing training on industrial property, giving lectures on European patent law and seminars to prepare for the qualification examination before the European Patent Office, organized by CEIPI at the Robert Schuman Law University, now the University of Strasbourg. He has also delivered occasional training courses at INPI, the French National Institute of Industrial Property. He lectures regularly in engineering schools and universities.

Taking his work on industrial property awareness one step further, Vincent REMY is co-author, with Clémence VALLÉE-THIOLLIER, of a simulation game with the participants competing against each other on a fictitious market. The participants create a portfolio of patents and trademarks and try to obtain concrete competitive advantages, while having to respect budget constraints related to the success of their strategic choices.

Alongside his activities as co-manager of LLR and patent and trademark attorney, Vincent REMY is responsible for the computer services used by the firm's employees and customers, in particular the industrial property file management software CleverIP, which he co-produced.

Vincent REMY is a member of the management committee as well as the executive committee of LLR.

Teaching Activities

  • Teacher of the "Intellectual Property" course at the BUCT chemical engineering school affiliated to Paris-Saclay (2023)
  • Teacher of the course « Software protection » of the module "Propriété industrielle à l’ère du numérique : Brevets, licences et construction d’un portefeuille PI" ("Industrial property in the digital age: Patents, licences and construction of an IP portfolio") at the École des Hautes Études Appliquées du Droit - HEAD School (2021)
  • Teacher of the course « The different IP rights » of the module "Propriété industrielle à l’ère du numérique : Brevets, licences et construction d’un portefeuille PI" ("Industrial property in the digital age: Patents, licences and construction of an IP portfolio") at the École des Hautes Études Appliquées du Droit - HEAD School (2021)
  • Teacher of "Copyright" courses for students of Masters 1 & 2 in "Cultural Dynamics" and "Cultural and Media Industries" - Sorbonne Nord (since 2021)

Professional Organisations

  • Association des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (ACPI)
  • Member of the National Advisory Center for Overseas Intellectual Property Dispute Settlement in Beijing
  • Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Patent Attorneys Limited (HKIPA) in Hong Kong

Complementary Activities

Recent speaking engagements and symposia:

  • 2010: Beijing CCIFC: "Presentation and comparison of legal protections offered by Chinese and European industrial property law" conference
  • 2009: Symposium of the Nancy Ecole des Mines on the efficiency of innovation processes. Participation in a round table on the theme "Developing knowledge".
  • 2009: European Research & Innovation Exhibition: "Filing patents, what for?" conference
  • 2009: Breakfast-debate organised by LLR: "ICT and Industrial Property law" conference
