After entering the profession in 2007 and five years' experience with an industrial property firm in Paris, Richard MONNI joined our team as patent engineer specialised in the fields of biology and biotechnologies.
Through ten years' technical experience gained in research laboratories of the Institute of Molecular Genetics and the Curie Institute at Paris, he acquired technical and scientific expertise in the field of molecular and cellular biology, human genetics, cancerology as well as normal and pathological haematology. His scientific background and experience in industrial property have enabled him to work in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, biology and biotechnologies and, to a lesser extent, in the field of medicinal chemistry as well as in fields as varied as cancerology, angiogenesis, haematopoiesis and thrombosis, immunology, diagnosis and prognosis methods for cancers and other pathologies, multipotent stem cells and cell differentiation and dedifferentiation methods, etc.
Richard, who joined our team in 2012, drafts patent applications and follows up grant procedures in France, Europe and the rest of the world (mainly the United States, Canada, Japan, China, India, Australia), providing consultancy services to his customers on their industrial property strategy and performing patentability and freedom-to-operate studies.
Richard MONNI is a member of the executive committee of LLR.
- Participant at the AIPPI World Congress in Hangzhou (19-22 October 2024)
- Speaker at the C.U.R.I.E congress on the theme: ‘The researcher's rights and duties in terms of exploitation’ in Marseille (12 June 2024)
- Participating in the AIPPI conference in Warsaw (18-19 April 2024)
- Participating in the AIPPI Spring Meeting in Madrid (22-23 February 2024)
- Speaker on "Exceptions to patentability at the EPO and in France" at the online conference "How harmonized is patent law in Europe? National case law vs. the European Patent Office: similarities and differences" - CEIPI (October 12th)
- Speaker at User Day 2022 on « Online Filing 2.0 » of European Patent Office (November 28th)
- Speaker at PhDTalent Career Fair 2022 on « Career paths of CPI with a PhD » (October 21st)
- Member of the EQF Patent Examination Board
- Tutor for Basic Course - epi-CEIPI
- Involvement in the Training of Patent Attorneys and Trainee Patent Attorneys
- Speaker at the epi-CEIPI basic training in Paris on « Procédure de délivrance 3 : requête en examen, désignation d’États, phases de l’examen, examen accéléré, requêtes subsidiaires, délivrance et rejet » ("Grant procedure 3: Request for examination, designation of States, examination phases, accelerated examination, subsidiary requests, grant and rejection") and « Nouveauté : état de la technique, usage antérieur public, divulgation implicite, inventions de sélection » ("Novelty: prior art, public prior use, implied disclosure, selection inventions")
Co-animator of the training "Brevets pour les juristes" ("Brevets for Lawyers course") - CNCPI (19 and 26 January)
- International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
- National Company of Industrial Property Attorneys (CNCPI)
- Belgian Institute of Patent Attorneys
- AIPPI: President of the French Group of AIPPI
- Member of the Advisory Board
- Co-chair of the Training and Access to the Profession Committee
- Member of the committees: patents, diversity and inclusion
- Contact for Relations with Offices (INPI / WIPO / EPO) - Belgian Institute of Patent Attorneys: Co-chair of the Training Committee
- 31 October 2019: 40 amicus curiae for peppers - Case G3/19: Patentability of animals and plants resulting from essentially biological processes
- 04 July 2017: Partial priority: the (very) end of a patricide?
- 03 May 2016: Increase in European patent filings in 2015: Chinese applicants do not...
- 27 October 2015: Hepatitis C treatment: China takes a stand