Guillaume de LA BIGNE is co-founder of the firm LLR. After having been Chief of the watch in the Navy, he worked for the firm General des Eaux (Veolia) in Méry-sur-Oise water treatment plant. In 1990, he joined one of the most important French industrial property firms.
Since 2000, he is managing partner of LLR. He advises a wide range of companies and public research organizations on the various aspects of their innovations. He also works with collective bodies such as chambers of commerce to raise awareness in industrial SMEs in industrial property protection strategies. He monitors procedures to obtain patents in France and abroad (drafting of patent applications, review procedures) for large companies, SMEs and public research organizations. He assists them in identifying the inventions to need to be protected and advises them on freedom of operation with respect to rights held by third parties. He also drafts contracts relating to industrial property.
He is very much involved in the development of LLR’s expertise in litigation and has led many saisies-contrefaçon in various areas. He advises a large tyre manufacturer, automotive OEMs, manufacturers of medical devices and packaging manufacturers.
Born in Spain, he can follow procedures, discussions and disputes in Spanish, as easily as in French or English.
He participated in establishing LLR China in Beijing and continues to support its development in defence of the interests of French and European companies in China.
He remains involved in the training of new generations of professionals. So, he intervenes at the Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle and at the École des Hautes Études Appliquées du Droit.
Guillaume de LA BIGNE is a member of the management committee as well as the executive committee of LLR.
Guillaume de LA BIGNE is a mediator specializing in industrial property, registered on the list maintained by the International Arbitration Chamber of Paris. He has organized, in partnership with Ifomène, a mediation training program for industrial property consultants. He is also President of the Association for the Promotion of Mediation in Intellectual Property (PMPI).
- Speaker at the IPforYOU webinar of the EUIPO on the topic: “Mediation in France” (April 4)
- Speaker at the webinar organized by AIPPI France and LES France on the topic: “Mediation in Intellectual Property: Results of the Summer 2024 Survey – Status and Perspectives” (November 18)
- Speaker at the IP Mediation Conference on the topic: “Can Europe become a global IP ADR hub?” in Alicante (October 19)
- Speaker at the 95th Mediation and Negotiation Café of IFOMÈNE on the topic: “Expertise & Mediation: Should the mediator be an expert in the field? Can an expert be a mediator?” (July 7)
- Webinar “Dispute Resolution in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Contracts related to China: Arbitration, Mediation, and Litigation” by CCI FRANCE CHINE. Speaker on “Mediation as a method of dispute resolution in intellectual property cases: French experience” (June 10)
Teaching activities
- Teacher at the “Médiation & PI” (“Mediation & IP”) course of the module “Propriété industrielle à l’ère du numérique : Brevets, licences et construction d’un portefeuille PI” (“Industrial Property in the Digital Age: Patents, Licences and Construction of an IP Portfolio”) at the ÉCOLE DES HAUTES ÉTUDES APPLIQUÉES DU DROIT (23 March 2022)
Professional Organisations
- Promotion of Mediation in Intellectual Property (PMPI)
- Association of Industrial Property Consultants (ACPI)
- International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
- Association of European Patent Practitioners (APEB)
- Inter-American Association of Industrial Property (ASIPI)
- C.U.R.I.E. Network (Cooperation of University Services for Industrial and Economic Relations)
- European Patent Litigators Association (EPLIT)
- International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)
- Union for the Unified Patent Court (UJUB)
Complementary Activities
2023 : Scientific co-director and co-author of the book ” La médiation au service de la propriété intellectuelle – Un mode alternatif de règlement des différends (MARD) pour les acteurs de l’innovation ” (Collection du CEIPI – Les monographies)
2017: Co-author of “The Future of Inventive Activity” in the book “Inventive Activity. From the Law of 1968 to the UPC, Half a Century of Evaluating Inventive Activity in France and Europe: Assessment and Prospects. Proceedings of the AAPI, CNCPI and IRPI Colloquium.” (IRPI Editions)