
Intellectual Property Protection and Product Registration Regulation in Biological, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics Industries

Conference with specialists in industrial property for a better strategy in the field of biopharmaceuticals and cosmetics


Fight against counterfeiting, Chanel’s strategy in China

Chanel recently won a trademark infringement lawsuit. The case is interesting because Chanel attacked the mall and not the...

Analyses | News

PACTE bill: How will it impact IP?

The adoption of the PACTE bill on 11 April 2019 will soon lead to a number of changes with...

redevance d'une licence FRAND

“Use-based v “licence to all”: the battle to influence the workings of FRAND licences

In the field of "standard-essential patents" (SEP), which model should be adopted when setting the licence fee amount?

advertising mascots

Intellectual Property Working Group: Advertising Mascots

China has become a highly competitive market. Companies here are crawling to get just a few seconds of attention...

divulguer c’est dénigrer

Infringement proceedings: to divulge is to denigrate

A case that demonstrates the need for extreme caution when using information about lawsuits, and even more so when...

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